How To Hire The Right People For Your Construction Business?

You should remember that if you hire the right people for your construction business then the long-term success of your company is ensured.

Kyle Ferguson
May 14, 2024
7 min

How To Hire The Right People For Your Construction Business?

Hiring the right people is the most important job of any construction business owner or leader. As you grow your business, you need good people that you can rely on and develop if you want to grow your company by yourself. 

Without good people, you are going to have to micro-manage everyone and solve all of your company's problems yourself. 

You can’t afford to hire and fire people constantly, so it's important to nail your hiring strategy so you can build your dream team. 

With a dream team, you can grow your construction business and have fewer headaches to worry about. 

Good teammates are enjoyable to work with and take problems off of your plate so that you can focus on the bigger picture or even have a vacation. 

If you want to find, attract, and hire the right people for your construction business, you need to market your construction company, build an attractive brand to work for, and a system to screen candidates, recruit, hire, and later train them.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at certain hiring strategies that you can use to hire the right people for your construction business. Make sure you don’t make common mistakes hiring as a small business owner.

Define Your Values, Mission & Culture

This exercise can feel like the last thing you need to do when you have projects to run, bills to collect, and materials to order, but here is why it's important.

Without a clear mission, values, and type of culture that you are building, your team will not have a guiding light to look toward when making decisions. 

Your company culture is almost like your religion. When things get tough, your bigger mission keeps you going, and your values give you something to look toward to inspire the right actions and decisions. 

Often, the core values that your team embodies trickle down from the owner and leadership teams. Your team emulates your actions so lead by example. 

Think about the values you embody that have made you successful and document them. Put them in the presentation you share with your team once a quarter, on your wall in the office, or on your website—or better yet, all three. 

You're going to want to hire people who embody similar values to you. 

As much as you want diversity of though, you also want to make sure you have a few core values that hold you all together. 

Develop And Promote A Positive Employer Brand

Your construction business should develop and promote a positive employer brand so that it becomes a desirable place to work. You can achieve that by promoting your company’s values, work culture, and career growth opportunities.

Marketing your construction company is important not only to win more projects and increase sales but also to attract future teammates, trade partners, and more.  

If you can make people feel that your construction business is a top-tier workplace, then your company will most likely attract the best talents as your next employees.

You can do this by posting pictures of your team on social media, on your website or talking about your team outings in your job descriptions. You can recognize and highlight employees and their achievements on team meetings or social media. 

You can offer them competitive wages, benefits, employee career growth, and more!

You need to be an employer that people would love to work for. You need to build a work environment that would be the first place people would love to work in.

 If you don’t have any HR practices, you should consider investing in a fractional HR leader to help put these in place as you scale your team.

6 Things the Smartest Leaders Do to Hire and Keep Great Employees |

Write Strong Job Descriptions

You need to write captivating job descriptions in detail that clearly state your expectations as an employer and sell the candidate on working with you. 

After reading the job description, the future employee must know the qualifications and responsibilities of the particular job as well as feel compelled to want to work with you.

Here is an easy-to-follow template: 

1.Job Title and Summary:

Start with a clear job title and a summary of the role. This helps candidates quickly understand the position.

2. Key Responsibilities:

List the primary duties and tasks associated with the job. Be specific about what the role entails to set clear expectations.

3. Required Skills and Qualifications:

Detail the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications. Include any specific certifications or licenses required for the job.

4. Company Overview:

Provide a brief overview of your company, including its values, culture, and mission. This will help candidates determine whether they align with your company’s ethos.

5. Work Environment:

Describe the work environment and conditions. Mention whether the job is on-site, requires travel, or involves working in various weather conditions.

6. Salary and Benefits:

Include information about the salary range, benefits and growth opportunities. This can attract more qualified candidates. This is your chance to sell the company!

This will help you attract the right job applications for a particular position that might be vacant, which will help you hire the right people for your construction business.

Define Your Ideal Candidate Profile

Defining your ideal candidate profile helps you and your team have clear expectations of what you are looking for in your next candidate. Here’s how to create a detailed and effective candidate profile:

Identify Key Skills and Experience:

Determine the essential skills and experience needed for the role. This may include specific technical skills, years of industry experience, and familiarity with particular tools or software that you use.

Consider Cultural Fit:

Reflect on your company’s values and culture. Look for candidates who have the right skills and align with your company’s work ethic,team dynamics and personalities

Define Soft Skills:

Identify important soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills are vital for ensuring smooth collaboration on the job site.

Specify Certifications and Education:

List any required certifications, licenses, or educational qualifications that are required for the job.

Outline Preferred Background:

Consider the type of projects your company typically handles. Look for candidates with relevant project experience in residential, commercial, or industrial construction.

Involve Your Team:

Get input from current employees or team leaders on the ideal candidate profile. They can provide valuable insights into the most effective qualities and skills in your work environment.

By defining your ideal candidate profile, you create a framework that guides your hiring process.

You can design your interview process around assessing the criteria you are looking for in your candidates

Post Your Job On All Relevant Platforms

Why not post on as many platforms as you can? 

Utilize LinkedIn to reach a professional audience.

Post on Indeed, ensuring your job description is clear and uses relevant keywords. Consider using their sponsored job feature for increased visibility. 

Leverage ZipRecruiter to efficiently manage your job postings across multiple platforms, benefiting from its wide distribution and candidate-matching technology. 

Don’t overlook local job boards and industry-specific sites, which can be particularly effective for finding specialized candidates in your area. 

Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin to reach a broader audience. Share your job postings on your company’s pages and encourage employees to share within their networks. 

Additionally, ensure your company’s website has a careers page with up-to-date job listings to attract candidates already interested in your company. 

Encouraging Referrals for Quality Hires

Encouraging referrals from your employees, trade professionals, and collaborators can be among the most effective ways to find quality hires for your construction company. 

Referrals often lead to the best employees because they come recommended by trusted sources who understand your company’s needs and culture.

Your current employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and collaborators have firsthand experience working with potential candidates and can vouch for their skills and reliability. 

Additionally, referred candidates tend to integrate more smoothly into your team and stay longer, contributing to a more cohesive and productive workforce. 

To further motivate your network, offer a referral bonus as an incentive for successful hires, ensuring you tap into a pool of vetted talent who are more likely to excel in their roles.

Going Outbound to Find the Best Talent

Sometimes, the best candidates won’t come to you – you have to go out and find them. 

Reaching out to employees of competitors, leveraging your network, or researching potential candidates on LinkedIn can help you identify and attract top talent for your construction company. 

By proactively seeking out individuals who meet your exact candidate profile, you increase your chances of hiring someone with the right skills and experience.

If you’re too busy to handle this process, consider hiring a construction recruiter or utilizing one of your administrative staff to assist with research and outreach. 

Outbound recruiting efforts are often necessary to hire the best people, as they enable you to target and engage with candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities but are open to the right offer. 

Offer Competitive Wages And Benefits

Offering competitive wages and benefits is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent in the construction industry.

Ensure your compensation packages are aligned with industry standards and reflect the skills and experience required for the role. You can do this by searching for roles similiar to the one you are hiring for or utilizing platforms like GlassDoor.

Beyond salary, consider offering benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and professional development opportunities.

Competitive compensation demonstrates that you value your employees and are committed to their well-being and growth, making your company a more attractive place to work and helping you build a strong, dedicated team.

Structuring Your Interview Process and Proactive Communication

A well-structured interview process is essential for selecting the best candidates and ensuring a positive experience for them. Proactive communication throughout the process helps keep candidates engaged and informed. Here’s how to structure your interview process effectively:

1. Initial Screening

  • Resume Review: Screen resumes to shortlist candidates who meet the basic qualifications.
  • Phone Interview: Conduct a brief phone interview to assess candidates’ interest and basic qualifications.

2. In-Depth Interviews

  • Technical Interview: Assess candidates’ technical skills and problem-solving abilities through job-specific questions or practical tests.
  • Behavioral Interview: Evaluate soft skills, cultural fit, and past experiences using behavioral interview questions.
  • Panel Interview: Have candidates meet with multiple team members to get a well-rounded assessment.

3. Final Evaluation

  • Reference Checks: Contact previous employers or colleagues to verify the candidate’s background and performance.
  • Final Interview: Conduct a final interview with senior management to ensure alignment with company values and goals.

4. Making the Offer

  • Salary and Benefits Discussion: Discuss compensation and benefits to ensure mutual agreement.
  • Formal Offer Letter: Send a detailed offer letter outlining the terms of employment.

Proactive Communication

  • Initial Contact: Acknowledge receipt of applications promptly and inform candidates about the next steps.
  • Regular Updates: Keep candidates informed about their status throughout the process, especially if there are delays.
  • Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to candidates who were not selected to maintain a positive relationship.
  • Onboarding Preparation: Once a candidate accepts the offer, communicate regularly to prepare them for their first day.

By structuring your interview process and maintaining proactive communication, you can ensure a smooth and efficient hiring experience. This approach helps you attract and secure top talent while fostering a positive reputation for your company.

Onboarding and Training Your New Employees

Effective onboarding and training are crucial for setting new hires up for success, even in a small business with limited time. Here are practical steps to streamline the process:

  1. Create a Training Guide:
    • Develop a concise training guide that outlines key information, in-depth responsibilities, and homework for new employees. 
  1. Shadowing Opportunities:
    • Allow new hires to shadow experienced employees in their roles. This hands-on learning helps them understand daily tasks and workflows.
  2. Team Introductions:
    • Schedule meetings for new hires to meet with their teammates. This fosters a sense of belonging and helps them quickly integrate into the team.
  3. Regular Check-Ins:
    • Conduct regular check-ins to address any questions or concerns and ensure they progress well.

By training and empowering your employees, you give them no excuse not to succeed. They will feel supported and have the tools they need to succeed. 

The Importance of a Strong Recruitment Strategy

Each teammates is a crticial component of your team, just like in sports. Recruiting a skill that improves with practice and experience. As you refine your process and learn from each hire, you will become more adept at identifying and attracting top talent. 

A well-thought-out recruitment strategy is crucial because hiring the right people is the most impactful thing you can do for your growing construction business. 

A strong team drives productivity, innovation, and overall success. By giving hiring the effort and attention it deserves, you set the foundation for a thriving company. 

Let's build your dream team!

Understanding Your Market

The success of any startup relies heavily on understanding the market it operates in and identifying the ideal customers within that market. Understanding your customer and becoming a subject matter expert is key, especially at the formidable stages.

By having insight into potential customers, you know what problems you should be solving with your product and how to communicate in a way that appeals to them.

The market is the broader industry that you serve. The ideal customer dives deeper into who your product is the best fit to serve. It's a way to segment your customers.

You might not know who your product best serves yet, and that is okay, but it's important to hypothesize and test who is.

Make some assumptions about what would make a customer a good fit for your product and test those assumptions otherwise, use your current customer base and data to guide you.

Here are some of the key steps to understanding your market and identifying your ideal customers:

Understanding Your Market

1. Research industry trends and news: Stay updated on current and emerging trends in your industry. Search Google news, read articles and follow the right people on social media to gain insights into customer preferences and potential opportunities.

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