Social Media for Construction : 2024 Guide + 100 Content Ideas

We all know we should be active on social media. But without the right strategy and content ideas, its hard. Get the easy guide here.

Kyle Ferguson
August 29, 2024
7 min

Social Media for Construction Made Easy: 2024 Guide + 100 Ideas

We all know we should be active on social media, but following through on it can be difficult without the right strategy.

It takes time to build up your following and see the ROI, but if you can stay consistent, it will pay dividends. 

For construction businesses, social media can help attract new customers and teammates and improve relationships with existing client.

Before we begin the guide, let's start with the big question: Is social media worth it for my construction company?

Should I Invest in Social Media for My Construction Business?

Yes, investing in social media can pay off, but it requires work.

If you're not ready to commit, it may not be the best strategy for you right now. There are many marketing strategies you can invest in. Focus on 1-2 marketing strategies where you know you can excel.

Make sure a teammate is willing and able to manage your social media and be realistic about the time and effort required.

Growing your social media is worth it for most businesses, if you are committed to it and ready to do it right.

Everyone is on one social media or another.

If you pick the right platform for your audience and strategy and stay consistently creating good content, you'll be on your way to success.

Key Considerations Before Investing in Social Media:

  • Who will manage the social media account?
  • How much time do we have to dedicate?
  • Is this the best strategy to invest in right now?
  • What are our goals?

Benefits of Social Media for Your Construction Business

  • Increased Visibility and Brand Awareness: Social media allows you to showcase your projects, expertise, and company culture to a wider audience. This helps establish your brand, making it easier for potential clients to find and choose you as their contractor.
  • Stronger Customer Relationships: Regular engagement on social media helps you stay connected with current clients, build trust, and maintain a positive reputation. It provides a platform for clients to interact with your brand directly.
  • Lead Generation and Sales Growth: With targeted content and strategic calls to action, social media can drive traffic to your website, generate qualified leads, and ultimately convert those followers into increased sales.
  • Enhanced Recruitment Efforts: Social media showcases your company culture, projects, and employee testimonials, making it a powerful tool for recruiting top talent and partners interested in working with a reputable construction company.
  • Steps to Crushing Your Social Media Strategy

    1. Know Your Audience: Understand who your customers are, what they care about, and which social media platforms they use. Plan your content accordingly.
    1. Choose a Platform: Start with 1-2 platforms where your audience is most active. Here’s a quick overview:
      • Instagram: Best for showcasing visually appealing projects. Great for residential or custom home builders.
      • Facebook: Offers wide reach and community engagement. Ideal for general contractors or remodelers targeting homeowners.
      • LinkedIn: Effective for B2B networking and showcasing expertise. Suitable for commercial contractors and companies focusing on large projects.
      • YouTube: Perfect for sharing in-depth project videos, tutorials, or company culture. Best for companies with strong storytelling and video capabilities.
      • TikTok: Great for short, engaging videos. Useful for reaching a younger audience or sharing quick, creative content.
      • Twitter: Good for quick updates, news, and industry insights. Best for companies wanting to engage in industry conversations.
    2. Determine Your Goals and Track Metrics:
      • Set specific, measurable goals around increasing followers, post engagement, and driving website traffic and sales.
      • Use tools like Google Analytics and platform insights to track engagement, reach, and conversions.
    3. Plan Your Content: Develop a content calendar that includes a few of the ideas  below. At the beginning of each month, list the posts that you are planing for each week.

      You can start by opening a Word doc and starting to list out ideas, then putting dates on when to post them and writing down who is responsible for the content creation.
    4. Schedule Posts: Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts in advance and ensure consistent posting.
    5. Build Social Media into Your Workflow: Incorporate social media tasks into your standard workflows to ensure consistent content creation. For example, make taking before-and-after photos a part of your project kickoff and completion process. Assign team members to capture content at key milestones and create a checklist to streamline this process.
    6. Get Team Buy-In: Engage your team by explaining the benefits of social media for the company and offering simple training on capturing great content. Encourage participation by celebrating successful posts and sharing how social media success can contribute to company growth.
    1. Stay Consistent: Consistency builds trust and keeps your brand top-of-mind. Start with 2-3 posts per week and adjust as needed.
    2. Encourage Engagement: Ask employees, clients, and partners to follow your social channels and share your content. Create content with your customers and partners.

      For example, if you just completed a project for a client, take pictures of their project, tag them in it and have them repost it to their social media.
    3. Engage Actively: Respond to comments, comment on popular posts, share relevant content from other accounts, and participate in industry discussions to increase visibility.

    How to Turn Your Social Media Followers into Customers:

    Building a strong social media following is only the first step. If you did it right and you built an audience of your ideal customers, then your on your way to convert some into sales.

    You need a strategy that drives action to turn followers into loyal customers.

    By leveraging targeted content, clear calls to action, and strategic promotions, you can move potential clients from social media interest to real-world business opportunities. 

    • Call to Action (CTAs): Use clear CTAs in your posts, such as "Contact us for a quote!" or "Visit our website to learn more" and make sure your contact info is easily accessible.
    • Setup Your Website To Sell: Make sure your website clearly outlines your services, examples of your projects, testimonials, what you do, who you are, what makes your company different and a call to action wether it's to call you, fill out a form or email you.
    • Lead Magnets: Offer downloadable resources like e-books or project checklists in exchange for contact details.
    • Promotions and Contests: Host social media contests or promotions to incentivize engagement and generate leads.
    • Retargeting Ads: Use social media ads to retarget visitors who have interacted with your content, driving them to conversion pages.

    100 Content Ideas for Construction Companies:

    The key is to choose ideas that are simple for your team to execute regularly. Start by selecting content types that align with your current workflows, like capturing before-and-after photos or sharing project milestones.

    By focusing on ideas that are easy and realistic, you'll be more likely to maintain consistency, build momentum, and see the long-term benefits of a robust social media presence for your construction company.

    With all of these ideas, your bound to find ones that fit your company

    1. Before-and-after project photos: Showcase transformations to highlight your expertise and the value you deliver. Pair images with brief descriptions to explain the work done and its impact.
    2. Client testimonials or case studies: Share stories from satisfied clients to build trust and credibility. Include specific challenges solved and measurable outcomes.
    3. Behind-the-scenes of job sites: Provide a glimpse into your daily operations, showing your team at work and the process behind your projects. This adds authenticity and transparency.
    4. Employee spotlights or team highlights: Feature your team members to humanize your brand and build connections. Share their stories, roles, and unique contributions.
    5. Tips and tricks related to construction or maintenance: Offer valuable advice on topics like seasonal maintenance, choosing materials, or energy-efficient building to position your company as an industry thought leader.
    6. Live Q&A sessions: Host live sessions where followers can ask questions about construction, renovations, or your services. Engage in real-time to build rapport and trust.
    7. Industry news or trends: Share insights on the latest trends, technologies, or regulations impacting the construction industry to demonstrate your expertise and stay relevant.
    8. "Day in the life" videos of your team: Create engaging videos that show the daily routines of your team members, offering an inside look into your company culture and work environment.
    9. Safety tips or demonstrations: Educate your audience on safety practices in construction, demonstrating your commitment to safety and professionalism.
    10. Celebrating project milestones or achievements: Highlight significant milestones, such as project completions or awards, to showcase your success and maintain a positive brand image.
    11. Project progress updates: Regularly post updates on ongoing projects, including photos or videos to show your process and keep followers engaged.
    12. Customer FAQs: Address frequently asked questions about your services, processes, or industry, providing helpful insights and positioning your company as approachable and knowledgeable.
    13. Interactive polls and surveys: Engage your audience by asking their opinions on industry topics, design preferences, or project types.
    14. Sustainability practices: Share your company’s efforts towards sustainability, such as using eco-friendly materials or energy-efficient design.

    15. Tool and equipment showcases: Highlight the specialized tools and equipment you use, explaining their benefits and how they enhance your work quality.
    16. Local community involvement: Share stories about your company’s involvement in local community events, charity projects, or partnerships to build local goodwill.
    17. Employee or client takeovers: Let an employee or client take over your social media for a day, sharing their experiences, insights, or project stories.
    18. Seasonal content: Align your content with seasons or holidays, such as winter weatherproofing tips or summer renovation ideas, to keep your posts timely and relevant.
    19. Myth-busting posts: Address common misconceptions about construction or renovation to educate your audience and build credibility.
    20. Customer appreciation posts: Highlight and thank customers for choosing your services, showcasing projects you've completed for them and emphasizing positive experiences.
    21. Highlight Completed Projects with Customer Feedback - Pair finished project images with client quotes about their satisfaction.
    22. Material Comparisons - Showcase different materials and discuss their pros and cons for various project types.
    23. Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality Previews - Share AR/VR previews of projects to engage your audience with future builds.
    24. Explaining Construction Timelines - Educate followers on how long different types of projects typically take.
    25. Cost-Saving Tips for Renovations - Offer advice on how clients can save money during construction projects.
    26. Showcasing Company Values - Highlight your core values and how they guide your business practices.
    27. Answering Common Objections - Address potential concerns or hesitations clients may have about starting a construction project.
    28. Customer Success Stories - Tell in-depth stories of clients who achieved their goals with your help.
    29. Local Market Insights - Share insights specific to your local market, such as building regulations or popular project types.
    30. Feature on Women in Construction - Highlight the contributions of women on your team or in the industry.
    31. Emergency Preparedness Tips - Provide advice on preparing homes or buildings for natural disasters.
    32. Explaining the Permitting Process - Break down what clients can expect when obtaining permits for construction.
    33. Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Highlight projects that included energy-efficient upgrades and their benefits.
    34. On-Site Safety Drills - Showcase how your team prepares for emergencies with safety drills.
    35. Exploring Different Architectural Styles - Discuss various architectural styles and which projects they’re best suited for.
    36. Customer Service Focus - Highlight how your company prioritizes exceptional customer service.
    37. Celebrating Industry Partnerships - Share content about partnerships with suppliers, subcontractors, or other industry players.
    38. Product Feature Highlights - Showcase new or innovative products used in your projects.
    39. Weekly or Monthly Tips Series - Create a recurring tips series on a specific topic, like “Monday Maintenance Tips.”
    40. Holiday-Themed Project Ideas - Suggest construction projects or improvements that align with holidays. 
    41. Virtual Tours of Your Office - Give a behind-the-scenes look at your office or design studio.
    42. Throwback to Old Projects - Share past project photos with a “where are they now” angle.
    43. Quotes from Industry Leaders - Share quotes or insights from well-known figures in the construction industry.
    44. Customer Journey Spotlights - Showcase the journey of your clients from the initial consultation to project completion, highlighting key decisions, challenges overcome, and their satisfaction with the final result
    45. Highlighting Historical Buildings - Post about historical buildings in your area or projects involving restoration.
    46. Design Inspiration Posts - Share design boards or mood boards for different types of projects.
    47. Exploring Budget Planning for Projects - Provide tips on how clients can budget for renovations or new builds.
    48. Pre-Construction Planning Tips - Offer advice on what clients should do before starting a construction project.
    49. Showcase Awards and Certifications - Highlight any industry awards, certifications, or accreditations your company has received.
    50. Interactive Floor Plan Comparisons - Share different floor plans and ask followers which they prefer.
    51. Trends in Construction Technology - Discuss emerging technologies that are shaping the construction industry.
    52. Bloopers or Fun Moments - Share light-hearted moments or funny incidents from the job site.
    53. Sourcing Local Materials - Highlight projects that use locally sourced materials and the benefits of doing so.
    54. Celebrating Employee Milestones - Recognize employee anniversaries, promotions, or achievements.
    55. Explaining Project Financing Options - Educate your audience on financing options available for their construction projects.
    56. Common Pitfalls in DIY Projects - Highlight mistakes to avoid when clients attempt DIY renovations.
    57. Seasonal Project Recommendations - Suggest project types that are best suited for each season.
    58. Customer Surveys or Feedback Requests - Engage your audience by asking for feedback on completed projects or services.
    59. Spotlight on Subcontractors or Partners - Highlight the subcontractors or partners who contribute to your projects.
    60. Customized Solutions for Unique Needs - Showcase projects where you provided unique solutions for specific client needs.
    61. Seasonal Safety Tips - Share tips relevant to each season, like preventing frozen pipes in winter.
    62. Time-Saving Tips for Homeowners - Offer simple ways to speed up small home improvement projects.
    63. Staff Recognition Posts - Highlight team members who have gone above and beyond.
    64. Celebrating Client Loyalty - Feature long-term clients or repeat customers to show appreciation.
    65. Highlighting Innovative Building Techniques - Share information on new construction methods, such as modular building or 3D printing, that set your projects apart from the competition.
    66. Most Common Remodeling Mistakes - Educate your audience on pitfalls to avoid during remodels.
    67. Site Cleanup Tips - Offer advice on maintaining a clean and safe worksite.
    68. Daily Work Snapshots - Post quick, real-time updates from various job sites.
    69. Trade Show or Conference Highlights - Share insights or takeaways from industry events.
    70. Collaborations with Other Businesses - Showcase projects completed in partnership with other local businesses.
    71. Highlighting Local Landmarks - Connect with your community by featuring local landmarks you admire or have worked on.
    72. Exploring Different Construction Roles - Educate followers on the various roles within a construction team.
    73. Discussing Popular Design Trends - Highlight trending designs or features in new builds and renovations.
    74. Client Referral Program - Promote a referral program to encourage clients to spread the word.
    75. Daily Construction Tips - Offer a quick tip every day related to construction best practices.
    76. Educational Infographics - Create visual infographics that explain complex construction concepts simply.
    77. Myth vs. Fact Posts - Debunk common myths about construction or home renovations.
    78. Challenges and Solutions - Discuss challenges faced on projects and how your team overcame them.
    79. Client Feedback Quotes - Share short quotes from client feedback forms or surveys.
    80. Interactive Job Progress Charts - Use visuals to track and share the progress of ongoing projects.
    81. Project Cost Breakdown Examples - Provide examples of cost breakdowns for different types of projects.
    82. Highlighting New Hires - Introduce new team members with a brief bio and welcome post.
    83. Historical Renovation Projects - Showcase projects involving historical or vintage properties.
    84. Tips for Choosing the Right Contractor - Guide your audience on what to look for when hiring.
    85. Highlighting Company Growth - Share milestones in your company’s growth, like opening new locations.
    86. Live Project Tours - Use live video to tour a site and discuss project details.
    87. Behind-the-Scenes Planning Meetings - Show what goes into planning a successful project.
    88. Exploring Building Materials - Highlight the benefits of using different building materials.
    89. Celebrating Small Wins - Share smaller achievements, like completing a challenging phase of a project.
    90. Explaining the Bidding Process - Educate followers on how bidding works in construction.
    91. Client Success Metrics - Highlight how your work has contributed to client success metrics, like occupancy rates
    92. "Ask the Expert" Series - Host a recurring series where your team answers common or complex questions about construction, renovations, or design choices.
    93. Quick Construction Hacks - Share quick hacks that can make a big difference on a job site.
    94. Spotlighting Unique Architectural Features - Feature unique architectural details from your projects.
    95. Behind-the-Scenes of Client Meetings - Offer a peek into how you work with clients during planning stages.
    96. Highlighting Your Favorite Projects - Share why certain projects stand out as favorites.
    97. Comparing Different Project Types - Discuss the differences between types of projects, like remodels vs. new builds.
    98. Celebrating Subcontractors - Recognize the subcontractors who contribute to your projects.
    99. Exploring International Building Trends - Share interesting trends from construction projects around the world.
    100. Tips for Managing Project Budgets - Offer advice on keeping projects within budget while maintaining quality.


    Investing in social media is a powerful way for construction companies to boost visibility, build strong customer relationships, and drive new business.

    By choosing simple, manageable content ideas and staying consistent, you can effectively leverage social media to achieve your marketing goals.

    If you’re ready to take your social media strategy to the next level but need a little help, our construction sales and marketing consultants can provide the guidance and expertise you need. Let us help you build a compelling online presence that attracts and converts more customers.

    Understanding Your Market

    The success of any startup relies heavily on understanding the market it operates in and identifying the ideal customers within that market. Understanding your customer and becoming a subject matter expert is key, especially at the formidable stages.

    By having insight into potential customers, you know what problems you should be solving with your product and how to communicate in a way that appeals to them.

    The market is the broader industry that you serve. The ideal customer dives deeper into who your product is the best fit to serve. It's a way to segment your customers.

    You might not know who your product best serves yet, and that is okay, but it's important to hypothesize and test who is.

    Make some assumptions about what would make a customer a good fit for your product and test those assumptions otherwise, use your current customer base and data to guide you.

    Here are some of the key steps to understanding your market and identifying your ideal customers:

    Understanding Your Market

    1. Research industry trends and news: Stay updated on current and emerging trends in your industry. Search Google news, read articles and follow the right people on social media to gain insights into customer preferences and potential opportunities.

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