How We Save Money and Time By Outsourcing Sales Tasks to VA’s

Many people know about virtual assistants. BUT, not many know how to actually hire and utilize virtual talent

Michael Hepper
May 15, 2022
2 min


Learning how to prospect is important for early stage startups. When you first start out it might take too long to generate inbound or organic leads, so you have to find ways to generate sales at the lowest cost possible. Starting with the ideal list of prospects can save you time and resources in your sales efforts.

Outsourcing Benefits

Hiring trained VA’s can be beneficial because it enables you to be more efficient and targeted in your outreach. They can collect data points and up to date contact information that you can use to personalize your email, marketing and sales campaigns. The more personalized the copy is the better it will convert. Hiring VA’s lowers the cost of prospecting by getting the best data and contact information in the most efficient way.

Negative Effects of Buying Pre-made Lists

Many people offer to sell lists to people and most of the time the data is not targeted, the emails aren’t verified, they use tools to scrape the internet, or they have resold the same data to many different people. When using tools to scrape the internet it doesn’t provide the best data or the best contact information. Resold data affect on your conversion rates because they’re getting spammed by tons of other people.

Connect With Us!

Having the best data possible (which our team can provide) is instrumental to having an effective outbound sales strategy. If you want to learn more about developing an effective outbound sales strategy and how to outsource your prospecting, you can message We enjoy connecting with other startup professionals and we want to save you the headache that many other early stage startups end up facing. Feel free to reach out for a free strategy session.

Understanding Your Market

The success of any startup relies heavily on understanding the market it operates in and identifying the ideal customers within that market. Understanding your customer and becoming a subject matter expert is key, especially at the formidable stages.

By having insight into potential customers, you know what problems you should be solving with your product and how to communicate in a way that appeals to them.

The market is the broader industry that you serve. The ideal customer dives deeper into who your product is the best fit to serve. It's a way to segment your customers.

You might not know who your product best serves yet, and that is okay, but it's important to hypothesize and test who is.

Make some assumptions about what would make a customer a good fit for your product and test those assumptions otherwise, use your current customer base and data to guide you.

Here are some of the key steps to understanding your market and identifying your ideal customers:

Understanding Your Market

1. Research industry trends and news: Stay updated on current and emerging trends in your industry. Search Google news, read articles and follow the right people on social media to gain insights into customer preferences and potential opportunities.

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